(Last Updated On: January 4, 2025)
SAO Programme CodeCN10
SAO Programme Type1 course: G2
2 courses: G3
**SAO will not nominate students to join online programmes
Programme PeriodJune 23 to July 11, 2025
QuotaNo Limit
Responsible StaffEsther Lam (estherlam@um.edu.mo)
Official Websitehttp://www.sis.zju.edu.cn/sisenglish/2023/1127/c21459a2830836/page.htm
English RequirementThere is no special requirement if your medium of instruction is English
Other RequirementAdmission Requirement: Requires enrollment in an overseas university as an undergraduate or postgraduate student, proficiency in English, and pre-approval from the student’s home institution. (Please fill out the application form and return it to the Student Affairs Office during the confirmation period February 28 to March 6 )
Refund PolicyYou can apply for a full refund before the start of the program if there are changes to your personal plans.

*SAO reserves the right to change the programme type/amount of sponsorship based on the actual expenses spent on the programme.