Can I receive any transfer credits for joining online programme?2023-12-15T17:09:17+08:00

Online courses completed at other universities will NOT be eligible to apply for course exemption (credit transfer). The courses offered by UM are mainly in face-to-face teaching mode and so the rules about course exemption are established on this basis. You may refer to the General Rules Governing Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (https://reg.um.edu.mo/download/um-academic-calendar/6gr-u.pdf) for details about Course Exemption (Article I).

Can I join two programmes if there is no time conflict?2023-12-15T17:10:01+08:00

Yes. However, SAO will only nominate you for one programme. You will need to apply for another programme by yourself and SAO will not assist with those self-applied programmes.

Will I receive more sponsorship if I enroll in more courses?2023-12-15T17:13:27+08:00

Yes. However, according to the regulation, sponsorship only covers up to Mop 15,000 or 70% of the student’s total expenses, which include prorgramme feeaccommodation fee, and air tickets.

What should I do if I want to receive transfer credit(s) for the course that I took at the host university?2023-12-15T17:12:45+08:00

Please prepare detailed course information (e.g., course credit hours, course description, etc.) that you are going to take and contact related faculty administrative staff for the possibility of credit transfer and related procedures.

I am selected to my first choice. Can I change to my second choice/ third choice?2021-02-17T12:37:04+08:00

No. Students cannot change their choices after the application deadline. 

What is the selection criteria for those programmes with limited quota?2023-12-15T17:11:03+08:00

Some of the quota of summer programmes are reserved for U-team and SAO Programme members. Selection for other students will be based on the below criteria:

  1. Number of Smart Points
  2. Cumulative GPA
Will SAO reserve air tickets and apply for travel visa for students?2023-01-13T16:51:11+08:00

No. Students are responsible for their own visa application and travel arrangements.

Are there any supporting documents provided by UM for visa application?2023-12-15T17:11:47+08:00

Yes, a “Letter of Selection” prepared by the Student Affairs Office will be given to students. Please check what other documents you need for the visa application. For example, some countries might request a testimonial issued by Registry/Graduate School to prove that you are a student of the University of Macau, which will take two working days and cost MOP55.

Do I need to pay the administrative fee (MOP 1,000) if I withdraw from the programme due to visa problem?2023-12-15T17:12:10+08:00

It depends on the rejected reason, so please inform SAO if your visa application is rejected. 

How can I get Smart Point?2023-12-15T17:12:29+08:00

Each student will be granted a specific number of Smart Points only after he/she achieves the minimum required participation hours for the designated activities. Activities with Smart Point will be announced on the SP website: http://www.umac.mo/sao/sds/std/sps/en/sds_asps.php

Where can I check my accumulated Smart Point?2023-12-15T17:13:42+08:00

Students can check their accumulated Smart Points at the website of the Student Information Web Service: https://isw.umac.mo/siweb/.

Can I join the programme for free by using sponsorships from SAO?2023-12-15T17:15:59+08:00

The sponsorship from SAO will only cover 70% of the student’s total expenses, which include programme fee, accommodation fee, and air ticket. Please refer to the example below:

CaseGranted SponsorshipTotal ExpenseSponsorships you will receive after the programme
1Mop 10000MOP 10000MOP 7000
2Mop 10000MOP 12000MOP 8400
3Mop 10000MOP 18000MOP 10000
How many points do I need in order to receive the Smart Point sponsorship?2024-12-26T16:29:33+08:00

If you have more smart points among the applicants, you will have a higher chance of receiving the smart point sponsorship. In 2024, a median of 37 Smart Points will be needed to receive the Smart Point sponsorship.

When will I receive the subsidy?2023-12-15T17:15:39+08:00

Student Affairs Office will start processing the reimbursement after we receive the program reports and transcripts from the students. It usually takes some time for the host university to send the official transcript to Macau. The subsidy will be reimbursed no later than the end of November after reviewing all the documents.

Can I apply for summer programme if my passport is expired/ under renewal?2023-12-15T17:16:32+08:00

Yes, you can apply for the summer program even if your passport is expired. However, please make sure that your passport is already renewed before you apply for a travel visa or before departure.

What should I do if I inserted the wrong inforamtion when filling SAO’s online application form?2023-12-15T17:16:59+08:00
  • Before application deadline: please submit a new application and only the latest one will be considered
  • After the application, please send an email to sao.summer@um.edu.mo to provide further information. Please provide your name and your student number in the e-mail
If I am graduating in May, can I still apply for summer programme and receive sponsorship from the university?2023-12-15T17:17:28+08:00

Yes, you can still apply and receive sponsorship from the university (if granted). However, some programmes do not accept Year 4 students so you have to read the admission criteria carefully before you apply. Please also make sure you will not withdraw from the programme after acceptance due to a new job offer. Otherwise, you will be subjected to an administrative fee of MOP1,000 and will have to return the full sponsorship (if granted) to SAO. For non-local students, you may have difficulties applying for a travel visa to some of the countries as your stay permit in Macau will expire in May or June. 

If I am currently having my semester exchange abroad, can I apply for the summer programme?2023-12-15T17:17:47+08:00

Yes, you can still apply for the summer program. However, you will be responsible for your visa application and submit the official application to the host university after being nominated by the Student Affairs Office.

Can I join the programme which is not related to my major?2021-02-17T11:39:56+08:00

Yes. You can join any programme as long as you meet the admission criteria.

Can I apply for the summer programme if I am a postgraduate student?2021-02-17T11:39:59+08:00

Most programmes are available for both undergraduates and postgraduates, unless it is stated only for undergraduate or postgraduate students.

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