(Last Updated On: January 12, 2025)
SAO Programme CodeCN9 
SAO Programme TypeFace-to-Face Programme:
1 course: G2
2 courses: G3
3 courses: G3
**SAO will not nominate students to join online programmes (July Session)
Programme PeriodJune: June 2 to 27, 2025
QuotaNo Limit
Responsible StaffEsther Lam (estherlam@um.edu.mo)
Courses/Programme DetailsProgramme Fee in 2025:
1 course RMB 18510
2 courses RMB 26010
3 courses RMB 31410

Accommodation Information:
Will be announced after Chinese New Year
Detailed Course Outline (2025):
Official Websitehttp://sie.uibe.edu.cn/xmjs2/qtxm2/dwjjmydxgjxy2024nxjxfxm/index.htm
English RequirementNo special requirement if your medium of instruction is English
Other Requirement1. A minimum GPA of 2.25/4 or a WAM above 55.

2. Pre-approval from the applicant’s home institution.

Refund PolicyPlease refer to the programme brouchure

*SAO reserves the right to change the programme type/amount of sponsorship based on the actual expenses spent on the programme.