Types of Sponsorship 資助類型

Type of Sponsorship
1. Smart Point
Students who have the highest amount of Smart Point
2. Members nominated by University Teams and SAO Programmes
Campus Training Programme, Cultural and Arts U Team, House Tutors, Peer Support Programme, Sports U Team, Stage Management Programme, Student Leadership Training Programme, UM Volunteer Programme and Student National Flag Team
3. Residential College
Outstanding students nominated by individual Residential Colleges (please consult your RC)
由各書院提名的優秀學生 (詳情請向各書院查詢)

Can I receive more than one type of sponsorship 可否收取多於一項資助?

How to calculate the final sponsorship amount 如何計算最終可獲得的資助?

Sponsorship will be allocated according to the programme types. Programme types are classified into G1/G2/G3:

  • G1: Programme Fee 課程費用 <MOP20,000
  • G2: Programme Fee 課程費用 MOP20,001-MOP30,000
  • G3: Programme Fee 課程費用 >MOP30,000

**Programme Fee refers to the sum of tuition and accommodation fees announced by the host university

Notes 注意:

  1. The total amount of sponsorship cannot exceed MOP 15,000
  2. Total sponsorship amount shall not exceed 70% of the total amount of eligible expenses
  3. Eligible expenses includes tuition fee, accommodation fee and round-trip air tickets
    合資格報銷的費用包括: 學費、住宿費及來回機票費用
  4. Students who receive any type of sponsorship have to pass all courses taken during the summer programme. The Student Affairs Office reserves the right to withhold the payment of the sponsorship.
  5. Example 例子:
    Allocated Sponsorship
    Eligible Expenses
    Sponsorships you will receive after the programme
    MOP10,000MOP10,000MOP 7,000
    MOP10,000MOP12,000MOP 8,400
    MOP10,000MOP18,000MOP 10,000
Programme Type 課程類Sponsorship 資助金
Programme Type 課程類別 : G1
(Programme Fee 課程費用 <MOP20,000)
MOP 7,000
Programme Type 課程類別 : G2
(Programme Fee 課程費用: MOP20,001-30,000)
MOP 11,000
Programme Type 課程類別: G3
(Programme Fee 課程費用: >MOP30,000)
MOP 15,000

*The median number of Smart Points that students used to obtain sponsorship in 2024: 37 points (For reference only)
*2024年獲得資助同學的至叻星中位數: 37 粒 (只供參考)

  • Programme nomination and the allocation of sponsorship will be based on the student’s number of Smart Points and the number of points they would like to use
    課程提名和資助金額將根據學生的至叻星累積數量, 以及想使用多少至叻星的數量進行分配
  • For programmes with a limited quota:
    1. If the number of applicants exceeds the quota provided by the host university, your smart point will be deducted to get into the programme
    2. If the quota is enough and all students can get into the programme, your smart points will not be deducted.
    1. 如果對方學校提供的學額少於報名同學人數,智叻星會被扣除用作爭取學額之用
    2. 當對方學校提供的學額多於報名同學的總數,智叻星將不會被扣除
  • Smart Point Scheme: https://www.um.edu.mo/sao/sds/std/sps/en/sds_asps.php
    至叻星計劃: https://www.um.edu.mo/sao/sds/std/sps/en/sds_asps.php
  • Accumulated Smart Points can be checked at Student Information Web Service: https://isw.umac.mo/siweb/
    同學可於學生資訊網上服務查詢累積的至叻星: https://isw.umac.mo/siweb/
  • SAO reserves the right to change the programme type/sponsorship based on the actual expenses after the programme